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Nanolight/NanoFuel Solvent/399-10/10 tubes
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-31

NanoFuel Solvent, 1 ml

NanoFuel Solvent is NanoLight’s solution to the problem associated with the solubility of Coelenterazine and the many new Coelenterazine analogs that have been made available in recent years.

Native Coelenterazine can be dissolved in a 10 times higher concentration compared to 100% Ethanol or Methanol.

Optimized for IN VITRO use with our following Coelenterazine analogs .Cat#301 h-CoelenterazineCat#303 Coelenterazine NativeCat#345 Coelenterazine –FCat#355 e-CoelenterazineCat#340 Coelenterazine 400aCat#369 Prolume PurpleCat#367 Prolume Purple IICat#365 Prolume Purple IIICat#363 Prolume Purple IVIt is not designed for IN VIVO. For live animal imaging,please use “Fuel-Inject” and injectable Luciferins (Cat#303-INJ, Cat#301-INJ).

How to use NanoFuel Solvent MSDS

Shipping: via FedEx or UPS at RT, overnight or 2nd day delivery. Upon arrival store at -20°C or below.

本文链接: http://nanolight.immuno-online.com/view-1550104796.html

发布于 : 2025-03-31 阅读()